Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Laser Guided Camera Panner!!

Laser Test:

The Great Candle Act:

Screenshot of my program:

Hi everyone! I’ve just made the most exciting thing I’ve ever made in my whole entire life. Yup, it’s the laser guided camera panner I was talking about! I’ve increased the angle of rotation of my ol’ parallel port controlled floppy drive camera panner by making some small mechanical adjustments. I’ve written a program which captures images from my webcam and scans those images for the brightest pixel. This bright pixel is usually a laser dot in this experiment. After finding the laser dot, it determines its position and moves the floppy drive stepper motor to turn the camera towards it. Check out my YouTube videos above to see it in action!

Since my code searches for the brightest pixel, it even works with candle light. Not only that, it can also track infrared light (which is invisible to the naked eye!). I used my TV remote as an infrared light source, and my camera tracked it quite nicely (not shown in the videos).

My future plan is to modify my program to use motion tracking instead of finding the brightest pixel for tracking moving objects. This way, the camera panner will be able to track objects which are moving without…“candles”! :)

As always, I’d love to hear your comments and ideas… :)


  1. hey man, can i download this? i have some ideas for a laser targeting robot.

  2. Sure. If you've already made a floppy drive camera panner, then my program should work on your computer after making some adjustments. How can I send it to you?

  3. I have made the camera panner. Could you email the the programs to dogsrcool2me@gmail.com? Thank you.

  4. Your project is so cool. Can you email the programs to my email(dogsrcool2me@gmail.com)? Thank You so much.

  5. sorry for the double post, I forgot to login.

  6. Hi Ashish! All the best for your future projects!! Keep up the good work....


  7. can i have a copy of the program to please??

  8. why not a video recorded by the webcam wile tracking ?

    could you send me the program also ?

    or just post it on the website ?


  9. I'm interested in a project similiar to yours, but I can't find anywhere how you did the image processing from the webcam...

    How did you get it to search for the brightest pixel and return this to your program? If you have any info, please email me:

    cfinger **AT** gmail.com

    Thanks a lot, and good work!

  10. i have not made the floppy panner, but i am interested in modifying it to work with a servo setup.

  11. btw, send it to miron721 a_t gmail do_t com

  12. This Is GREAT the the parts are cheap as well PLEASE fwd me a copy of your tracking software. Thank YOU and Merry Christmas.

    Thanks again
    this is the greatest

  13. If you're interested in making your own floppy drive camera panner, check out my article: http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/floppystepper.asp

    This is my first article..so if you like, don't forget to vote for it. :)

  14. can you send the source code to me too

    tilton . kevin at gmail . com

  15. hey Ashish!
    Keep up the good work...
    wishing you best wishes for your future projects.. :)

  16. Hey Ashish!
    Keep up the good work...
    best wishes for your future projects.....
    hope you will excel further in this area....:)

  17. totally awesome! great work, i'd love to have a copy of this program you've made!

    stevediraddo at hotmail dot com

    peace and merry xmas

  18. can i have the source code as well? it's a great project, and i would like to try my hand on it as well, thank you


  19. could i have a copy of the source code as well? this is a great project, and i'd love to try this myself as well

    thank you


  20. Graet Article

    How did you track Infra red? did you use additional circuitry. Could you please e-mail the source code and any schematics to


    thank you

  21. Great project I was wondering how you go about capturing data from the camera? I assume it's a USB webcam of come sort. Always curious how to do that in .NET. How do you process images? Do you use the directshownet libray over at sourceforge?


    evlong@ NOSPAM gmail.com

  22. Hi Ashish, I like your project very much, I tried to build one myself.
    I managet to controll te floppy from the paralel port but, I can not make the program for kamera to trace pixels, like yours, when you enter in the room with a light, your kamera followed you.

    Can you please send me the Source code to my email: besnikhaziri@hotmail.com or

    thanks so much

  23. Ashish, try this article on CodeProject out for motion detection algorithms. It is quite spectacular!


  24. wow.. your project is so cool. i will try it. so can you send me your code? please send me (manhoi.hur@gmail.com)

  25. Can you email the programs to my email a.botzung@wanadoo.fr

  26. Nice work. Can you email me the source too? ncvanleeuwen _a_t_ gmail _do_t com
    Thank you!!!

  27. Hi.

    great programs here could you email me a copy and the lasersketch program



  28. nice piece of programming could you send me the source code to lazer guided camera panner please
    my email is JERRY_41095@YAHOO.COM

  29. Ashish,

    Is it possible to get a copy of the source? I have a motion control project that is yearning for a webcam. Thanks in advance.


  30. Hello, you´ve made an awsome program, I´m ordering some parts to do a similar setup like you right now, the problem is that I´m not a programmer, yet :P Could you please send the program.


  31. This is a very cool program. I have wanted to do that kind of thing for a long time. Can you send the program and source code to joshy_other_12_42@hotmail.com

    I was also wondering if it were possible to make it track a green laser or at least a different color? If so could you help me with the software?


  32. hello

    i m looking info /doc /source code for laser tracking
    can you help me ???


  33. can you send me your code please



  34. Iv been wanting to make a program like this for a while, and would like to see the source code some time.

  35. hi great idea and program,can you send me the circuit and lasers you used,i have a few lasers at home and send me copy of your program if you can
    i am using it for a AI robot design

  36. nice work done.. very interested in integrating with my project.. kindly send me the source codes. siva_rocks@yahoo.com. thank you

  37. Hi,

    Could you please share your source code to me nguyenxh.net@gmail.com?

    Thanks in advance.

  38. Great guy! I always come to your blog to keep myself amused... and with interest on things you do but haven't tried any of it yet..maybe someday. Keep it going man, you've done a marvelous job!

    How about letting the mouse select on the screen what the camera will track? More power!

  39. Thanks for the nice post.

  40. hey ashishd i want programme of laser guided camera panner plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ok in huryyyy

  41. Hello

    Hello, Ashish Derhgawen. I'm Fusan, Nice to meet you. my English writing was not good.

    I like your project very much. Laser Guided Camera Panner, Object Tracking using Camera and Lasers.

    How did you get it to search for the brightest pixel and return this to your program?

    For Laser (it is LED, IR OR other). and you develop from C#, C++, VB or other?

    Can you please send me the Source code to my email: tuinui-phoenix@hotmail.com

    thanks so much

  42. Hello Ashish,

    Can you send me the code for this?

    Please send to stosh259@hotmail.com

    Thanks much

  43. Thank you for all your projects and ideas that you have openly extended, my name is Shivam from India, Delhi. I've made the similar project of laser guided cam for my school presentation..it would be grate if u check it out urself..
    May you be blessed abudantly all the time and i request you to keep posting your projects and ideas..

    Thanks and regards

  44. hello ashish,

    can i have the code for 'search for the brightest pixel', also can i track more then 1 laser point, please email it to vanekar01@hotmail.com, thanks

  45. hi,
    i want to find the positon (in x-y coordinates) of the laser dot but i couldn't do this. i tried to use ubitmap but it doesn't work... can u please send me the codes of this? erkinuzuncakmak@hotmail.com


  46. Woowww... is very cool your program. Can you send me the code??? My mail is: elrusodaniel@hotmail.com

  47. hello.. I see a lot of good references for my project here.

    is it possible that you send me this source?

    i'm trying to track a laser point myself too. and this would be very helpful for me. i'll be waiting.

    e-mail: jumbo505@gmail.com

  48. Hi Ashish,

    great work, i would love a copy of this software, please could you email it to me thx in advance andrew_bryan_scott@hotmail.com

  49. hi Ashish,

    I am working on a project to make a robot (vexplorer) to follow a laser.
    but i want to use the image processing toolbox from matlab.
    can u please help me in this regard.

  50. Hi Ashish,
    I'm working with medical equipment, particularly with stabilography, can you send the program to my mail: dimkapodol@gmail.com

  51. Hi Im a Big Fan of your work,
    could you send me the sourcecode please: aimnixbot.sas(at)web.de.

  52. Hey gr8 projects .I just want to confirm that can u give me the code for the color tracking (the yellow colored ball) project

  53. Hi Ashish,
    Great work!
    Could you please send me a copy of your program to detect the laser position?
    Thanks in advance,
