I have been trying to track moving objects for quite some time. I wasn't very successful in modifying my motion detection code to perform motion tracking because shadows were really making life difficult for my program. The program was having difficulties distinguishing the actual object from its shadow. So, I went for a different approach: "color based object tracking". Here's how it works. After the program captures an image from the webcam, it introduces it to a mean filter which causes the image to become blurred. This blurring is done to reduce noise from the image. After doing that, it uses an RGB filter to remove all objects from the image except the object to be tracked (I have to adjust the RGB filter manually for different objects). Then, to make life easier, the program thresholds the image. Thresholding turns the image into a 1-bit binary image. Check out the picture below:

Then, after performing some additional noise removal, it tries to determine the center of the object. See the picture below:

That's it! It's pretty simple, but I had to spend two days experimenting and testing this idea. Check out the video above to see this program tracking a yellow ball. I can't wait to hook this thing up with my floppy drive camera panner! It would be so much fun. :)
Great stuff!
Hi, I just found your blog and I really like the stuff you do. Things I wish I had time to try...
I was wondering if you ever release code and/or compiled programs?
Glad you found my blog interesting. I release code on CodeProject whenever I feel that something is releasable..and sometimes I also release compiled apps with my posts. :)
I found you blog through hackaday
wow thats awesome will you be releasing source code for the object tracker?
Hello there!
I won't be releasing the source for the object tracker right now. However, I will release it, after a few months.
It's been a few months now =)
How bout that source code?
This is too cool not to share!
I agree..
this is really cool.
I'd be interested in the source as well.
Keep up the good work.
grt job buddy.........
i was really stunned
i am doin my be project on this topic itself
can u help me with the coding part
my mail id is pratmicro_20@yahoo.co.in
pls send me the ckt diagram,h/w,s/w reqd along with the codes
pls tell me the codes and h/w s/w reqd along with the ckt diagram
for this object detection and tracker
along with it pls tell me how to calculate distance from the object using laser
pls tell me the codes and h/w s/w reqd along with the ckt diagram
for this object detection and tracker
along with it pls tell me how to calculate distance from the object using laser
Yeah..definetely excellent program! Thanks for the help with the laser sketch man, our teacher got impressed with the final result, we just added some functionalities and that was it! The copyright thing remained untouched and we just added our names stating we added the functions. Thanks again Ashish
yep..thanks again for the help man
Hey! Really neat app.
I found it while googling around cause I'm also working on building a object tracker using a webcam.
If possible I would like to take a look at the source code for your app.
So if you feel like it, drop me an e-mail at frigolit@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance :)
Can you send me the source code? I would like to do some experimenting with this.
you have to remove DNOSPAM
Hello Ashish,
I found your blog and I was astonished by your work capacity.
Have you released the source code yet?
If so, plz mail it to
If not, did you use matlab or did all image processing in c#?
Keep up the great work!!
great job.........
i realy-realy interest to do about it
please sent me the source code
my email hendrixk4@gmail.com
thanks before......
i am raga ranjitha.my b.tech project is the same as the one u r doing.please mail me ur code on color based object tracking.
Im ranjitha. my btech project is the same as the one you are doing. plz mail me ur code on colour based object tracking.
hi ashish,
i can't describe how wonderfull your work seems!!
your project is my finall project at my college.. iv'e allready find a way of detecting objects' but not tracking one of them..
i'll be more than happy, if you can help me with the code..
my email is- mikeboussiba@gmail.com
now i'm seeing all your projects, and it's amaizing!!!
hi...thks...i m interested in this...can you pls send post up the source code?n what programming language you are using?thks...
hey i read through yor blog.. and it was very interesting .. i am doing another project simillar to yours.. i wonder if u could give me some guidance on the source code .. i'm planing to use vb on this project.. yor help will be very usefull for me ..u can mail the full source code on color based tracking to
Great project.
I am doing another simillar project , but in black and white.
Can you mail me the full source code on color tracking to
Hey Ashish,
I am Ashwin Vijayakumar, an embedded systems entrepreneur and a robotics hobbyist. Nice blog you have maintained here. Off all your projects, this one (Object Tracker) impressed me a lot, the video clip demonstrates how smooth the algorithm works. Mind if I take a look at your source code? You can keep in touch with me at ashwin@afflatustechtronics.org
Nice Work! :)
Hey Ashish,
Can you kindly forward the source code for this application. I would love to work more on it.
Great project.
Can you mail me the full source code on color tracking to
Great project.
Can you mail me the full source code on color tracking to
I am dying to experimenting with various ways to track objects using video stream such as this. Would you be able to send me the source code to this project so I can try out and see how this is done?
my email is:
Thank you so much and I love following up on your projects. They are so fascinating!
Hello there
i am doing my thesis project on this topic itself,can u help me with the coding part
my mail geraldermac@yahoo.com
pls send me the sourcecode along with the executable application
My FYP is about real time color tracking.
Can please you mail me source code on color tracking.
Great job w/ everything. Ive got a few questions about the quality of the electronics and how it would affect the program's tracking ability.
Nice Job. I am also interested in tracking Moving car Number Plate. Could me send me the source code so that we both can work on this project. my email id is getbidyut@yahoo.co.in
wow its amazing
I'm also working on object tracking...but i'm still unable to get it to work.
can you please mail me your source code...it will help me a lot
It looks great! Can you send me the source-code? I neet to track some objects for a school-project! --> shout[(at)]gmx.ch
Thank you very much!
It looks great! Can you send me the source-code? I neet to track some objects for a school-project! --> shout[(at)]gmx.ch
Thank you very much!
Wow, it's really a nice program!
I'm very interested because my final highschoolproject is about tracking and correcting. Comparable with a self-targeting system. But we just can't figure out how to import a view from a webcam and use it to calculate te coordinates ( on the virtual x and y grid ) of the target! I hope you can help us and maybe send me te source...It's in C++ right?
Thanks in forward,
Stijn van Schooten
that is great, can you send me the code, I want to do some experiment like this. thank so much. my email address is : canminhhien@yahoo.com
u did superb.......
am also intrested in this one........
want to hav a look on coding part.....
plzzzz send me to manohar.meesala@gmail.com
I might have an application for this. If you are interested in some contract work, please email me at mrich29357@aol.com
Just wondering did you ever release source?
I am doing a student project using object tracking. I could really use some direction in writing my software so I was wondering if you could send me the source code.
dsangree AT gmail.com
Hi Mr. Derhgawen, I really like your solution, can you tell me if the source code is available, i have a personal project at home i would like to implement.
I'll understand if you don't want to share your code.
my email is stephanemurphy at hotmail dot com
Thank you
Gud day ashish,
Im Leon. I have an electronincs engineering project w/c more than a half of its part is very similar to your "Motion Tracking" just using a common web cam. The Coordinates, X,Y axis of the Location of the object is my primary concern. I need like that computation of you'rs in finding the coordinates in order for me to make calculations to move a real lethal weapon such as real rifle mounted to turret composed of Servo Motors to move it Vertical and Horizontal such as X,Y axis. Im not realy enhanced to MATHLAB. I may need your Ideas to Succeed with my Engineering. You could be my best resource person. My Email is "tin_bends@yahoo.com" I would be proud if you could add me on you Yahoo Messenger.
If you are willing to share some Ideas on performing my project, please do me a message to my Email.
By the way I titled my project "WEAPON CONTROLLER: AN ALTERNATIVE CONTROLLING MACHINE PREPLACEMENT TO PHYSICAL ARMED WEAPON HANDLING " using VB .Net language for my software. Please help me.
can u mail me the information at venugpl10@gmail.com
Can i knows how you set your X and y which change with the movement of ball? Is it use any loop function?
hey could you please send me source code and documents related to it at birju.chokhra@gmail.com
it s ll be very help to me......
thanks in advance... [:)]
hey could you please send me the source code, am workin on a similar project. aedus17@gmail.com
Hi! I'm doing a project in Object tracking.I see your work very cool, awesome.:D
Can I see your code ? My email: tran.thanh.phong.09.01@gmail.com
Thank you very much.
Hello there~
It's so awesome. Actually I've been studying about this tracking system.
If possible please send me source code to study or release code on open source project site
oops.. sorry I forgot to left my email address.
see below :
Wow, increadable work as always.
I didn't see a link to your source code but I would like to get a copy of it please, bkearsons@gmail.com
Thank you.
hi job well done!!!
can u send me codes
and yes i can send u some of the code i made
Hey, great program. i just started fumbling around in matlab to try to figure this out for use in a robotics project. I would greatly appreciate if you can send me some of that code to help me in the right direction
thanks a lot
This is Parth from New Delhi. I really appreciate your work and think that it is really amazing to see how its working.
I have currently completed my 3rd year of computer engineering and was implementing a code which could use your code. In regard to the same, I request you to kindly email me your source code so that I can use a part of it. I will put your name in the acknowledgments and send you a copy of my project.
My email is parth.saxenaREMOVETHIS@gmail.com
Hey could you please send me your source code
i realy interest to do about it. Can you send me the source code?
nice work. I'm trying to do something like you did. So, could you please send the code to no1@boeckmann.org
Many thanks
Great bro,
Can you mail me the full source code on color tracking to
Great bro,
Can you mail me the full source code on color tracking to
Can U please send me the source code..My mail Id : aalisafa@gmail.com
u did superb!
m also intrested in the same.
can u plz help me in coding.
my id is roopdhabarde417@yahoo.co.in
congratulations! great stuff!
and... please also send me the source code to:
gt ät interad.at
thanks a lot!!
hey buddy, what is really impressive. Im currently trying include vision tracking to a robot project i am undertaking and I would like get an idea. Could you plz forward your code to smilin_overlord@hotmail.com
Hey, could you send me the source code for this?
email- joe.prickett@gmail.com
it could really help with a high school project Im working on
thanks in advance
me too please ! ! ! neteraser@list.ru =)
Hi Ashish,
I liked your blog a lot... andi need your help.I am trying to do similar work for my project,It would be great if I can have a psuedocode/algorithm/sourcecode.
My id is hrastogi@usc.edu...
looking fwd to ur reply
Hi, could you send me the source code?
hi,itz amazing & i need ur help ,please send me the source code.
hi,itz amazing & i need ur help ,please send me the source code.
hey man can i have the code,this is my email
thanks man ,
how can i access my tv card with c#,
if u reply me it will be a great help
Hey, was looking around found your blog. Would love to see your source code for this color based tracking if at all possible? My email is userkevin41@gmail.com Thanks for your time.
Looks like a lot of people are interested in the source code for this. Including me! But it seems like you're not sharing it, too bad. I am making something similar right now, I want to experiment with this as input for games, as games programmer that is very interesting both technical and design-wise for me :D
Did you use AVIcap? WIA? Directshow?
Are you using OpenCV or MATLAB? I have this problem of tracking the moving ball and I did color recognition in my program. I am also doing this motion tracking, but I am always failed to make the tracker follow the tracked ball. If its okay for you, can I see the source code? My e-mail is dhenn0021@gmail.com. Thanks for any response... :)
hi your object tracking is so much amazing.. if you allow me, would you permit me to use the source code if you can please email me at duceamarish@yahoo.com. do you have any idea of real time object recognition? thank you hoping for your reply..
hi... you're really amazing man... found your blog very useful.. i'm working on a project related to this one.. so, can u mail me the matlab code for this... it would be really helpful for my project work.. pls mail it to roboprjct@gmail.com... thanks in advance...
could u pllease send the matlab code to yuvaraj89@gmail.com
you just did the same I have to do for school and you did it fantastic. Is it possible to sent me the source code you´ve made. It would be great.
thank you very much
hello, congratulations for your blog, Can you send me the source code of this project? siulrede@hotmail.com thank you
You are very good programing. Can you send me the code? Thanks.
hi it seems u made a great work.
im trying to do a similar work in matlab for a school project. can u send ur matlab codes please.
my email is
Hi there!
i love your blog, it's so cool!!
btw, can you please kindly send me the source code for this project? i'm so interested on this project...it's amazing!
Thank YOu!!
email: janice_zyi@yahoo.com
thankz a lot! Appreciate it!
your prog seems to be very good.
could you e-mail me the app you used. Please not the source code cause I'm not very familiar with compiling. I always get error messages when compiling source codes and cannot fix them cause I'm not a programmer (yet).
This piece of software will be used for doing some expiriments.
Thanks a lot.
Really great job.
I've also found this. It might give you some ideas.
Hope you'll like it!
Did anybody get the software?
It would be great if someone could tell me if it is possible to extract the X axis and Y axis for use with PPJOY.
Is there a way to capture multi-objects with different colours at the same time?
Nice job!
hi, i'm trying to track an object by color based. and your algorithm looks so fast and accurate!
is it okay if i ask for your sources? please help me, i'm doing my graduation project and i'm experiencing a lot of trouble.
e-mail: jumbo505@gmail.com
hi :)
Can please you mail me source code?
Hello, it is an interesting project. Can u send me the source code please. My email: siulrede@hotmail.com
please send me the source code.
it would be of so kind of you.
my id is eyeshoot3r@gmail.com
Could I see your code ,please?
I want to use its with my project. But I don't understand in this library. If you want to help me , please talk with me in MSN (suppakit@hotmail.com).
Thank You... .
Now,i' doing project about "object Tracking" by webcam.please to help me!.i would like some code of program to referance.
send me : toto_engineering@hotmail.com
Very nice work. I am interested in working similar to yours. Could you please send me you code at :wanher3@hotmail.com. Thank you.
hello, am fascinated by your work. Could you please send me the code. Maybe you have even the old code of the form of persecution. My e mail: Bulli1000@aol.com
Greetings from Marcus
Hello, it is an interesting project. Can u send me the source code please. My email: wendy.mg17@yahoo.com
Great project.
Can you publish source code?
hello ashih, im naveen
can you please post the code or, tell us the basic stuff where can we can learn to code these stuff (like books or internets etc), what platform is it VB or MATLAB. please if u hesitate to upload here please do a favour, please mail me at mailto:mutthunaveen@gmail.com
thanks a lot and all the best
nice work ashish..
duse myself akash,,i am trying really hard to develope a code,foe this i am reading matlab help files.but i am not getting idea to develope the code.
my email- cease_fire06@yahoo.com
can u send me the code on this email..
or can u send me ur email id..so that i can contact u n learn this tracking stuff
nice work ashish..
duse myself akash,,i am trying really hard to develope a code,foe this i am reading matlab help files.but i am not getting idea to develope the code.
my email- cease_fire06@yahoo.com
can u send me the code on this email..
or can u send me ur email id..so that i can contact u n learn this tracking stuff
I don't know if you ever actually do this, but i would love to experiment with your source code if you feel alright giving it out. I'm super impressed by this and your other posts. I'm a student and wouldn't be doing anything commercial.
Thanks so much!
very nice code....
Could you please send me you code at
Thank you.
very nice code....
Could you please send me you code at
Thank you.
To make this project , you must know image processing very clearly
Can you explain to me how do you calculate coordinate x,y of object which has been detect
If you can ,Please contact me by email thanhhoa1187@gmail.com
So Awesome !!
i'm from taiwan,and saw your experiment about
"real-time color object tracking "
can you send me matlab source code,i really want to try make it , and very very thank you.
edison chen
heyy.. Great Work!
Can you share the code now? I was looking forward towards that.. Its been months now :)
Hey Ashish!
Great stuff you're working on! I'm currently working on a project that also uses webcam tracking, (I'll tell you all about it if you'd like)
It would be wonderful if you could send the code to onwijzebackup@gmail.com.
One question: have you included the possibility to output the X.Y.Z-values to an external target?
Thanks in advance!
please i need the source code
my e mail
Great work...
I have created a red ball tracking program but as soon as any red object comes my programs fails.it detects may circle.Plz send me ur source code on nikpat1988@gmail.com
Can you share the code now?
i can study that code now...
thanks be for!
please sent me the source code
my email npeti12@freemail.hu
thanks before.
please sent me the source code
my email npeti12@freemail.hu
thanks before.
please sent me the source code
my email npeti12@freemail.hu
thanks before.
please sent me the source code
my email npeti12@freemail.hu
thanks before.
please sent me the source code
my email npeti12@freemail.hu
thanks before.
good day i was wondering if you can send me the source code in my email i need it for our project in soccer robot pls i hope you reply soon
many thanks
hey men!
firstly congrats! I need something like this to integrate it to a delta robot... are you sharing the code? if so please let me know freestylepro@gmail.com, else contact me so we can come to something. Thanks!
hey brother..an awesome piece of work yet again!! could you please share the code .. m email id is pranjalbhown@gmail.com .. m trying to develop a different type of mouse using this technology..please help!
Good work! Is there any possibility to get your sourcecode? (Color Based Object Tracking )
Ashish, this is great work. Can I get source code? I'm very interested in seeing the implementation details.
Thanks in advance.
Ashish, this is excellent work. Can I get source code?
this is awsome man.
can you pls send me the source code.i am working on a school project.
thanx in advance
hey...gud work..i m wrking on sign language recognition as my project..and colored object tracking is a part of it.could u plz plz mail me the code for this. has it been implemented in matlab or open CV?my id is: a37divya@yahoo.in
Great work, can you please send me the code? My address is daisyroberts10@yahoo.com.
Thanks in advance
Nice work, can you please send me the source code? My e-mail address is budafayer@hotmail.com
Hi could you please send me the code to : speech.nitw@gmail.com
Could you please send comptiled version to andrei.kudryavtsev@gmail.com ?
Could you please mail me the code at arjunh.mec@mec.ac.in
Hi can I get this source code for my work
Plz send the source code to arunsai4b6 @gmail.com
RGB color filter
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