Computer Controlled RC Car on Vimeo
After working on this project all night, I've finally managed to control the RC car with my computer! I bought this cheap car from a local toy store a few days ago. I didn't go for high-end cars because, apart from being expensive, they use analogue signals to give precise speed and direction control. Cheap cars have a digital controller that uses switches for controlling left/right/forward/backward movements, and not potentiometers.
The first step was to modify the car's controller so that it could be interfaced with my computer. The buttons on my car's controller simply push down upon some micro-switches on the board, closing the circuit for controlling forward/backward/left/right movements. After identifying the 0 V ground and the active (control) points on the controller, I soldered wires to each of those points.

The next step was to build a circuit for connecting the car's controller to my computer's parallel port. My circuit is really simple as I didn't use relays. I only used four BC547 transistors as switches. These transistors, in effect, ground the controller's active points when they get a signal from the computer's parallel port.

I connected my computer's parallel port to the car's controller using this circuit and it worked right from my first attempt! The software for controlling this car is fairly simple and it allows me to control the car with the arrow keys on my keyboard. I want to share a little tricky problem which I had encountered while testing the program. When my computer tried sending two commands at the same time, like turn right and move forward, the car behaved unpredictably. Sometimes it obeyed the computer's command, and sometimes it just moved forward without turning at all. My first guess was, that something was wrong with my circuit. I tested the circuit a couple of times but it seemed to be working perfectly. I almost gave up on it until it occurred to me that my computer's parallel port was sending two signals (one for forward/backward and the other for left/right) at the same, exact time. The car's controller was unable to handle two commands together. When humans control the car with its controller, they normally don't press two buttons exactly at the same time. So, I modified my program and put some delay between all possible combination signals (like left + forward or right + backward etc) and it worked! So, now the sequence of commands for making the car move forward and left is something like: [left] -> [delay] -> [forward].
I really enjoyed working on this project. I'm really looking forward to using this car in my future projects! I plan to attach a wireless camera on the car for some extra fun. However, I don't have a wireless camera at this moment. I really hope I get a nice and cheap wireless camera soon or make a wireless link for my good old webcam. Anyway, I hope you found this project interesting. I'd love to hear your comments and ideas. Feel free to contact me if you're planning to build your own computer controlled RC car and have questions about it.
1 – 200 of 250 Newer› Newest»Hi...this proyect is awesome...i will be doing it soon!
well done ashish! that looks really cool. I'm looking forward to seeing how you use it!
Great job as usual!
I like the idea of the wireless camera. ALways thought it would be fun to have an RC airplane with a wireless camera so that I would fly the airplane from my laptop as a remote drone. Would be fun chasing the dog next door ;)
Vell done. Although it would of been nice to see some kind of speed control. Like i suggested :D
In terms of wireless cameras. I would say, get a wireless pinhole video camera. They have about 100m range, run off a nine volt battery and are about as big as your thumb. I got mine of ebay for £30, about $60. Hope this helps. Althought you will need a tv card as they use a a/v reciever.
Hi Ashish,
Just seen your latest innovation.
Good Stuff!!
Hi Ashish...
i really liked all your innovations...can you tell me where you stay in india? cuz i am living near delhi... wud be nice meeting you...and can you give me the binaries for the parallel port output for controlling the RC car...???please mail them to me at
thanks a lot...
Hi Ashish...
i really liked your idea to put a camera on it... i ask favor can u teach me how to code that using assembly language or what language use used to implement that project? because I plan to implement that project on my interfacing subject soon and its very interesting.. i realy liked ur accomplishment.. and here's my email add:
-negor from philippnes
Hey aashish...
well, this is Avik...
can you please send me the compiled files for your controller of RC Car???Please...
my mail address is :
visit my site at
Hi Ashish,
How r u?
I liked ur innovation very much!
Can u tell me where to get the transistors and all other parts?
I also live in delhi.
Hi Vivan,
You can get the electronic parts here: Lajpat Rai Market, Chandani Chowk :)
hi ashish,
this is anand,i am making a project in which i m using the same toy car with a voice transmitter in it.
but i was unable to control my car with computer, last time i had made a project "P.W.M control of D.C. motor using C++" in that circuit i had used the same electronic circuit but i had interfaced it with mouse,so that was not possible here...i m making a major project so i need your help...i need your programe a soon as possible, it will help me a lot to make my project and to enrich my talent.... thanks.
u can contact me on
hello, i did this project by myself, but i have one question. in what programming language is written the software?because i tried in C on linux, and i can't move the car in real time.!
hi !
i've been planning to do quite the problem is that i dont have a rs232-port on my vaio (just baught an usb-adapter), and, i aint got an idea how to code the software for the controller since i never did anything with rs232 before...could you send me the sourcecode, plz?
best regards,
hey ashish, anna project is exactly the same as u just that im using a bigger car that can carry a maximum weight of just wondering what program are u using, cos im using Visual C++....hit me back at
could you please specify which parts u used for the circuit?
as i can see its 3x1k Ohm resistors in row and BC548B Transistors?
i manage to control 8 LEDs on the parport (without transistors), but i just cant manage to control the remote-control over transistors..
please contact me,
tobias.weis |at|
hey ashish, anna here again....i was wondering how did u manage to use keyboard arrow keys to control the car?
im at the halfway point of my project but instead of using keyboard arrow keys, im using check boxes to light up the LEDs. im using Visual C++ by the way
could u hit me back at and pretty please.......
hello, great job u did there......
i was wondering how did u manage to control using the car using keyboard arrow keys....could u send me some sample codes
im doing the same project like urs and im wondering are u using Visual C++?? because i am
please contact me at a lot!
please give me the code of this project as soon as possible
my mail id is
or send to this id
hai ashish...graet work yaar...I have now decided to do the project myself but i dont have any idea regarding the coding part..can u please teach me the coding part ? ...if possible send me the sequence of steps to connect parrel port to cars microcontroller...
my mail id is
u can else mail to
Hi iwant to build Computer Controlled RC Car. but may problem is Programmed of this project. im a biginner i want to build may first rc project, please gave me a program please.....
please give me the code of this project as soon as possible
i want to build my first project RC car but my problem is program of this RC car. please sent to me a source code of this project...thanks..
my email address:
Can you please sent me the source code of the program.
hi man,i am also doing this,but i somewhere struct in coding ..plz send me the code . i will be waiting.
plz mail me at
Can i plzzz!!! Have the source code. Email me the source at......
hey ashish pls man i want the program for this desperately pls anyone having the program sen me on mah id
pls man i beg.........n ill be really thankful
hi.this project of urs is excellent.u hav achieved alot in a small period of nd my frnz are very inspired by this work of urs. even we want to try something like that,we will be highly obliged if u could guide would be very nice of u if u provide ur contact details as i m also residing at delhi. thanking u in anticipation.waiting 4 ur reply.
ivneet singh
hi..very nice project.i'm also doing a poject using rc car.could u pls send me the code for ur project.thank u.btw, i'm from malaysia
sorry,my email is
ur help is really appreciated
hi ashish
really amazed by your project. i am also looking for project on computer controlled car .it would be great help if u mail me the binaries....
bye thanks....
my mail id is
hi ashish,
i really liked your idea of controlling a car witha computer system.
can you please send me the program you used to control the car at
hi ashish,
nice jon man i will be doing this in my MPI course project hey i want the source code for this project A.S.A.P thankx for ur corporation..
Hi ashish,
Was really amazed with your accomplishment. I love RC toy car and want to build one too. I like to put a camera on it as well. I'm an analog guy and dont know much about programming. What language u used for this project? Can you please send me your code?
Thanks, man
yoh!! ashish,, hi...
i love ur project! its awesome ...
i`m doin same project but stil cant figure with coding.. would like to study ur codes is it done in visual basic... i`d be happy if you could send me source code for this project...pls....
thanks.. best regards...
my email:
I am trying to do the same thing only did you program this is basic? Can you please send me the code also.
This is exactly what I am trying to do with some kids at school. We want to control an Airship with a camera to get people interested in IT & its cooler bits. Is there any chance that I could get the binaries? donald.jones at ukonline dot co dot uk. Cheers
Wow, its amazing...
Im kinda doing the same thing..but still having trouble with it...
Can you send me the source code?
Thanx in advance...
Hi Ashish, can you send me the compiled files for your project?
THanx in advance!!!!!!!!!!
Hey aashish...
well, this is somebody
can you please send me the compiled files for your controller of RC Car???Please...
my mail address is :
Hi Aashish,
i have seen all your projects. i liked those very much.i am working on a project.i am controlling speed and direction of stepper motor.i have seen your project computer . i am controlling it with PC parallel port.and my friend is controlling it with microcontroller 89s52.
our problem is to contol it using joystick. how we can interfac joystick with microcontroller. and also with parallel port of PC.can you help me regarding this?
my mail id is
my name is saad i have made this project a year back and i have some flaws in my code , I want you to please send me the code so that i can try your code to run my car, my e-mail id is . i'll be thankful to you.
-as many others asked:
please the source code!
email :
Hi Yaar,
Baria project.
Please send me source code n others code stuffs. pls pls pls
mail me at :
Hey you are really good at this stuff. I have been trying to do something similar but lack the brain for the program. If you could send me the program and maybe exactly how to use it, i would be greatfull. Contact me at THANKS
awesome work dude...hey i was plannin to do the same project..i have sent you an email..please check it ...can you give me details to
Hi Ashish
Wonderful work, I'm honestly marvelled by your projects. If it may not be a hindrance can u send me a copy of the source code of this project and your obstacle detecting RC car...I desperately want to create one myself
Thanks a million
email me at or
hi,ana here, i want to build a computer controlles rc car for our project, can you pls give us the visual basic 6.0 code.thank you very much
my email address:
hi,niño here from philippines, i want to build a computer controlles rc car for our project, can you pls give us the turbo C code.thank you very much
my email address:
Hi Aashish!
i am working on a project video tracking.and i need the code for movement of arrow keys.could u please send me the code for moving the arrow keys only..i've searched for it a lot.and tried my self but i dint get the code for it.
my id is
thank you!
hey, did that car use a USB cable to control it? if so then u can cut the cable, cut the speakers off of one headset and the microphone off another and solder them together. If u plug the headsets into two 2/way radios or cellphones u can controll the car from miles away!
Hi Ashish, i jus came across yr blog and went through all yr projects....thats really so good and innovative...and it kindled me to do those to start with i jus did this RC car coz i found it pretty easy when compared with other projects and it turned out well too... so before trying out other things which r pretty harder than this one i want to know the basic things on which i should have a sound knowledge like wat basic languages should i adopt and other electronic stuffs coz im jus 17 and finished my highschool.... hope u guide me on this and if u have time also suggest me some good books and websites regarding so impressed with all yr innovative ideas....u could mail me at take yr own time.... hope to see yr reply.....thanks a lot...take care :)
good work out there man.keep it everyone asked. plz the sourse code.
you can email me
hi ashish, can u help me to get the coding for your project( computer controlled toy car). i need it in Visual c++.
could u please help me in doing this project?
my email id :
thank u.
Hey ashish.. thanks for post....
Please send me code of your project...
My Mail:-
hey ashish,
u have strated a great project. i'm also working on movement of car. it'd be very help for me if u can send me the code coz i'm having problem in movement.may b i can also help u...
u can mail me at
Hi, great project.
Could you please specify wich components did you use to build the circuit? I can see some resistors, how many and wich ohm?
Hi ashish,
Great idea and great work.
I just want to ask you: Do you have any spesific education on electronics or that kind?
well done Ashish on teh car, i was wondering what you used to program with, vb, c, c++ etc. either way i was wondering if you could please send me your code for it as i am having trouble with my project which is the same as what you have already done. much appreciated. thanks
please email it to
hi ashish bro.
i am Sarthak JOshi from nepal.
Since i saw n i knew ur project,i've become fan of u n ur brillent project..How did get these all concepts?????
Can u give me simple idea to controll my simple rc car from my computer.please give me a detial about that.
thank you
hi bro.. nice project man,, im looking forward to implement this project can u please send me the source code for this project
hi ashish,
after seeing a this project i'm a great fan of your's.can you help me in this project i have alredy mede it but i a radio on it which i can listen ,while controlling the car with computer.
hi ashish, ur article was so helpful in making my project. the only thing i m left is the CODING. i will be thankfull to u if u can provide me that.
my mail id is
Hello ashish
I have followed quite a few of your projects great stuff i have a small doubt can i build my own rf transmission,recieving circuit i spent a whole nigh on it but in vain ppl ask me to use some crzy chips or kits which i seriously doubt will be avalable.So is using an already existing rf system better or building one because i am planning to make my own rf controled car from scratch for which it might be better to develop my own rf system. Bye
Hi.What a cool project...
I wanted to do it for years but did not manage it. Can u please sent me the construction files to me at:
Thanks in advance.
hello bro,
ur project is awesome and i am doing mini project on "computer controlled toy car",please can you help me in this aspect by sending the details and how to do this project
mail me
good morning!! godbless...can you please please please please send me a copy of this project its source code in assembly?? please.....
Hi Ashish, i am doing a same project but using other circuit. Do you can send me the code of the your project, please? My e-mail is
Thank you!
hi ashish this is alex, iam a great fan of ur projects now iam doing a project called "computer controlled scooty pep" and i tried all codings to use lpt port but ended up in 'dont send error' so my whole project depends on ur source code pls mail me at
thanks in advance
great project man can i hgave some info about the programming please.....
i like this project very much. I need some help from u.Though i am a software developer but i have very little knowledge about hardware i.e transistors etc. So if u pls send me the circuit details for integrating with the Remote. My email .Pls help me
hi ashish
visit this u can get more idea for ur new inovation
hey good work out there many other asked please the code.It will be a great help to make my car move. thanks,
my mail is
Hey the article was very helpful...thanks
Well i am facing some problem connecting the transmitter to parallel port of the computer.The prob is that i have detected the 4 points for the navigation on the transmitter now how i connect the transistor with them ,i can't find out the ground in the transmitter.Whether I have to remove the batteries or it will be there for powering the transmitter then wats the function of the grnd from the parallel port pin,how it should be connected with the transmitter ?
I need help, i get all the electronics but the program. whats the sorce code or a link to your program is. thank you for your time!!!
hi sir its a gr8 project and really admirable....i'll be thankful if u could assist me in making a one like this....and about it easier to do it in assembly or c...wud u plz send me the source code on my email id
neverthe less gr8 work!
wow its so cool!
ashish can you pls send me this source code? thanks alot!
i am a second year computer enggg student.i know C, C++, JAVA, VB etc. Do you think I can study whatever new I will encounter in implementing this project. Can you send me a more detailed report on the working and construction. I like your project and I apprecitae you. All the best. Expecting your reply soon.
what software did you use? if possible, could you attach it and send it to my email? -
hi ashish bro....
can u plz send the link....for downloading software u've used 4 this project.... u can send it at plz ???? godbless u...
Hi! Ashish can you please send me the code only for those movements using arrow keys and the delays u r talking about.
hi this is anirudh gargi.. i am engg student.. and i have been following ur site for quite sometime..
i am very impressed by uer innovations... the best part of is it that i get indianized versions if the componets and the language!!!!(THat really helps!)
I am really intested in the rc controlled car...i am kinda noob in all this programming thing.. so i request if u could send me the source code for that Computer controlled car.
one more query i had... can i use a serial (rs 232 port) instead.. the problem i can think of is is it maight require a the serial port has only single outpout pin.. so we need to multiplex-demultiplex the wold just be another very big overhed on the project..
Please if u could give a look tell me about the feasiblity of using a serial port and send me the requried programming code.
thanks thanks thanks!!!
wow.. great ashish...
buddy i want to do the same with my pc...
can you provide with the program and the software you used.
yours hopefully...
really great job...
am also interested in building such robots.. am tryin to control a landrover using DTMF. can u pls tel me which software kind u used here..??? ma mail id is
i'll b thankful if u help me in this kind...!
Hi, i am very proud and excited you did it in a successful way... As i am an engg stuent would like to do the same project as yours with wireless cam, can you send me the details on how to create an interface between the parallel port and RC in a detailed manner to my ID: I will be more thankful to u.. Please send on me your Phone NO.. so that i can have direct contact with you.
Looking to hear from u soon....
Well, this project is exactly similar to my project.. here all the info are not provided. I have posted all the information regarding RC car and parallel port interfacing(Basic) and Programming as well..
I have done programming in visual basic. Visit
Hello sir
will u pls send me the software to 0r
if you need software then visit Software for controlling RC car
nice work man.plz can u give me the source will be a great help to my project.thanks,mail me
HI Ashish.
Great work man. am doin ma final year engg. and our project is somethin similar to ur pc controlled car. lik u mentioned we are adding a wireless cam,collision detection and lot of other developments. so it would be really nice if u could give us your contact so we could share information:). lookin forward t ur positive reply and as soon as possible. GREAT WORK AGAIN.
did anyone made program to record the control and relay
Nice Project, I just made this, i think every thing looks good except for the software part. do you mind sharing that software with me. then that would be great.
Hy Ashish
This is AWESOME!!! I plan to build like this for years, so I thank You for this. Can You send me the picture of curcuit with more information (for example the T1, T2, T3, T4 are the BC547 transistors, but the R1-R4 are resistors? And how much the resistance of them)? Please send me the source-code of the program in Visual Basic 2008 too, if you can. My mail address is (Sorry because of my english)
nice project and easy to follow building a computer controlled rc car.
well done..
i'm doing this project also.
may i have the coding for this project in C program?
please email me:
I will be doing this project soon.
Can you please send me the source code to
Thanks a lot in advance!
hey ashish ,i wante (circuit for connecting the care contoller to my computer parallel port....i don't know how i do the circuit i want all the pieces' name and how much value the r1,r2,r3,r4 and how we connect the circuit to the parallel port.we need it step by step(project)
hey ashish ,i want programme of the software for controlling this car .all the details of this project plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz thanks i want him in hurry
hi! im swati.. i was wondering if u could help me getting started on a wireless robot.. i dont know much about it.. but im trying to figure out! it would be great if u could help! my id is
insted of keybord can we controll it with a mouse or a stering whell?????????????????
hello ashish, i like all ur projects particularly this one ...after getting inspired from u i've made same project for my 12th class
Hi Ashish, i am doing a same project
and need some help.
Do you can send me the code of the your project, please? my mail is
hi, can you please contact me too?
because i'm doing the same project as you..
interesting and easy. I, also, would like the code, but why don't you post it here, there are tens of peope who want it.
the day before yesterday I would have recomanded you to look at roborealm, an interesting computer vision software, but since yesterday, it's not free anymore.
This is a good project! can u send me the circuit detail and the programming that we have to do?
firstly awesome project, i think im gonna try that. also i hav noticed that no1 knows wat the resistors are, they r 1K ohm (1000 ohm) resistors.
Hey, nice site! Good post and great to see you're having fun with the RC Car!
hey, if any1 can help me, please email me. the problem is that i still get current through the circuit from the parallel port even when its off. can someone tell me a way to get rid of all power. also if any1 wants i wrote a program to control the car, ill send binaries or source code (c#).
Josh could you send me a compiled version of your project to me? You may have to use a switch to kill the power if you cant find the problem. Heres my email:
So stupid question, but won't this work without the transistor?
i.e. couldn't you wire the following circuit?
+ve (let's say paralell port #2) --> Res --> Load/control terminal --> common ground, and simply control when the paralell port sends a signal?
I'm a complete noob when it comes to circuits so please forgive my ignorance
yea, i'm a tool, answered my own question, turns out i had no idea how a transistor worked......
interesting project
how are you
can you send to me all the information about this project and the code of this project because i need doing same this project.
this is my email ( )
thanks alot
hey ashish! i'm an engineering student.... and i have taken up this project for an exhibition.... so could u please help me with somethings.... like what things do we need for the project.... other than the car.... plz... reply.. my email is
hey ashish it was a cool project n ur project with camera seems to be more intresting.Actually i am from engineering background and i am planning to make a project relating this and would be pleased if you can give me an idea creating this stuff.I am new to this robotics field but would be interested to seek your help regarding this.So if you have no problems guiding me for my project plz reply me on
hey hi Aashish .. hey dis 1 sounds awesum ... can yu gime some programming details on dis one as m thinkin of wrkn on dis project bt m entirely new in dis field ... i have done some sensor implementation using nesC bt hv no ideas as hw to control d bot using d comp .. it wud be gr8 if yu cud help .. ma email id is
Hi Ashish......i'm kenny.....i'm really new in this field and i'm really interested in your project.....i would like to try it.....but can you specify how you implemented it in software like language,coding,etc.....also can you specify the hardware needed and how to select the hardware that we need for this would be really helpful for me.....please do contact me through my mail id....its a lot....
hi ashish..This is a gr8 project! can u send me the circuit detail and the programming that we have to do?m really new for the programming part...plz help me...i'll b obliged...
hello ashishi...
i have a project like computer controlled car and i really need it..
can u please send me the code of your project.. please i really need it..
you may send it on
please reply as soon as possible..
thanks a lot..
Totally awesome
this is what i'm looking for,
thanks for the post
Hello Ashish,
can you tell me how much ohm the resisdents have to be?
thank you
sir can u give me complete data & circuit to run the car with help of computer.
we want to run a car with help of microcontroller circuit and wireless camera also add on this, so plese give me fully detail of ur circuit,code,connection diagram and theory please sir
sir can u give me complete data & circuit to run the car with help of computer.
we want to run a car with help of microcontroller circuit and wireless camera also add on this, so plese give me fully detail of ur circuit,code,connection diagram and theory please mail
I see you didn't post a link for the software you used.
:) That would help!
whers the link for the codings.. and what language did you use plelase help me send me the software program links.... thank you so much.. this will help me for conducting a project
email me at
hey.. i am doing this as my minor project and i am struggling with the Programming part i.e. controlling directions while moving forward or back . i.e doing multiple things at a time could u lend me some help with the programming ....... Please help me with ur programming on my
hi ashish i am also diong same project. you are really a hero......
Hi Ashis, i want to create the same project, but my laptop does not have any Parallel port, only USB ports available.
Please advice.
can you please tell me the software code to interface with parralel port
it is really very good project.
i am the student of polytechnic collage doing diploma in computer engg. we are doing same as this (computer controlled rc car)project. can you help us for our project????
please tell us in which language you have done this project....
Hey mate,
I had decided to take up similar project for my coursework. There are a few differences in your project and my tentative one.
Firstly, I intend to make most of the sections by myself rather than ripping them out of a working RF car.
Secondly, I would like to use USB instead of Parallel port.
Thirdly, I plan to implement microcontrollers for speed control.
I also intend to use the computer keyboard as input interface device and want to write code for it. Please help me with whatever information you can provide.
I would be looking forward for a positive reply as soon as possible.
Anshul Thakur
Can u please tell me that what is the maximum range of control...
This is a great project, it is the one that inspired me to create my own computer controlled RC car. I used a usb interface board to control mine, I hope to get a wifi camera to mount on it soon. Check out my website if you want to see what you inspired :)
hi anna iam yogesh can u please send me the full circut diagram and software in which u did this program and this
is there a way to program additions into an rc car and then program the addition to be controlled by the controller. If you could please answer me at my email address
hi ashish, i am anirudh .please contact me, or give me your no. i will contact u,i have a desent question. my no. is 9953051448. i am in delhi
hi iam sireesha i really liked ur project even we r workin on it lik way point follower robot using rs 232 25pin port can u pls send me the circuit my id is
hello sir
we are in final year engineering student from ujjain sir we want to do your project so please give me ur soruce code of project,
my email id is
please sir..............
hi can u send the program that u used it in this project in your computer, and i will be very thank for you . email.
hi can u plz send me the source code..its very urgent...
my id is:
hi...this project sounds a really good one..i would be greatful if u tell me some more detail on this...and can u please send me the source code for the program u used in controlling the car...which software did u use in programming it????
OMG i love robots and stuff like that right now i havew this reaally old cxhip from a cheap rc stunt car so i took it apart and now im trying to find another use
any ideas?
really awesome dude........i am just going to try it...nice can u plz contact me on
pls be kind to send the source code to my mail id.
Hi Ashish......
me too doing a projct similar to this..
rc car controlled by pc serial port
using microcontroler..
i am not gud in software .
so please provide me a code to control ma car using keyboard arrows...
Please send it to my email ID..
pls help ... very urgent
I was wondering if you can help me out for something.
I have written code in VC++ to access parallel port, for that case i have used inpout32.dll and inpout32.lib.
It compiles ok. generates no error, but LED doesnot glow.
I still cant figure out if there is a problem in my code,or i am connecting LED wrong.
can you please guide me to troubleshoot? any precautions that I might take?
Looking forward for your reply.
@abeeha: If there are no problems with your connection, make sure your parallel port address is correct.
To know your parallel port address, go to Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT) > Printer Port (LPT1) > Properties > Resources > Resource Settings. Here, you'll see the address of your parallel port. Mine is "0378 - 037F". This is in hexadecimal form. 0x378 (Hexadecimal) = 888 (Decimal). If you are using LPT2, your address would probably be "0x278" (Decimal equivalent is 632).
If your parallel port address is set to 888 in your code, but your actual address is not equal to 888, you'll have to change it.
Ashish Can you show the Vario board's back side from a closer look i want to see the connections
hello i am student of mit ujjain .
i seen your project computer controlled rc car.i take it as my major project. i completed hardware part. but i want programming in .net(c#). so please sent c# interface Praogramming
hiiiiiiiiii i m student of engg my name is rahul and can i get the coding of your projec computer control rc car coding in c# please sir i have to submit my project by sunday so tr to give coding
Hi! Is it ok to use 2N2222A transistor instead of BC547? I cannot find BC547 transistors...
Please send me the codes if it is ok to you...
I just want to know if how did you do it...
Tnx and more power...
my email is:
hi ashish,
this is nilima phatak
i'm doin diploma in comp engg n i'm lookin for final yr project topic
while seaching i found ur this project n its great!
I understood d hardware part bt abt codin which language u used
I mean i think its assembly language or wt else!
plz tell me dat or if u have better project topic than this 4 comp engg them plz help me,tell me.....!
-nilima phatak
Hi Ashish can i use USB instead of parallel port
can u please give me your program to control the car
Hey ashish this is omkar...
I liked all of ur projects...
can u pl send me the code to control to RC car...
i am looking forward to do this project for my final year diploma
hope u reply soon...
eLLow ashish...good daY..
this project really looks great
I already tries your project and one thing confusing me is...
how did you manage to control the RC with arrow keys..
but the way.. im not really good at programming...
amMm...jst like the others...can you give me a source code of this project..or
can you help me how to build the code...
i wanna prove to other dept that our course too is great...
atleast the code..then Im done...
:) ...thank you sir.
heres my e.add..
hoping for your help.. :)
hi your idea is great, i also want to make one so can you please tell me what is the software.....
hey ashish.. its really an awesome project and i would love to make this project...
so please tell me which software is to be used to control the car using the keyboard arrow keys.....
im waiting.....
hey could u tell me a brief abt d project.. as to which and how many diodes r used in the circuit.
im eagerly waiting for ur reply...
u can also contact me on my email-
ei...i thnk.. th component needed in this project is the transstor.. the resistor and the circuit of the joystick of your RC car... and connect it to the parallel port..
thats all i know..
m not sure what kind of compiler he used...
hmm... C language??
I and my team are from Btech 4th year CSE.v r hoping to do this project as a part of our acedemics. V r very much impressed by your content. can you please provide us with some extra information about this and also the source code for building it.. cn v please know the language on which you hav built this...
Atleast let us know if you can guide us builing it.
Hoping ur reply soon...
I and my team are from Btech 4th year CSE.v r hoping to do this project as a part of our acedemics. V r very much impressed by your content. can you please provide us with some extra information about this and also the source code for building it.. cn v please know the language on which you hav built this...
Atleast let us know if you can guide us builing it.
Hoping ur reply soon...
Hi Ashish
I am also doing same project in my 5th semester of MCA. And my Project is Voice Commanding to RC Car
AND i have finished with my hardware part and also in voice recognition part only thing left is passing values to parallel port
So Plz help me out by sending your source code and i am using vb6
My email id is
hello ashish sir;
i'm doing this project based on interfacing .i'm a student of 2nd year ece department.if u please favor me 2 send a technical note on this pc-based wireless control toy car.this is my 1st project.please help me.i have read microprocessor(8085)in depthand very keen in this project.
My email-id is
hi friend
um in deep deep trouble tht i hav 2 submit an assignment of any mechanical stuff
so can u plzzz forward me a compiled data of ur awsem project to
plzzzzz... i shall be really thankful///
hi ashis...i m too trying to do this as my project.. you used a ready made car and interfaced with but i need to make this one .. can u just help me?
hy ashish. this project is awsome.. i m trying to make the same. you bought a readymade car and just interfaced it with. but i have to make it myself.. can u help me out..can u send me the connection diagram and the code for making the car?looking forward for ur reply n my mail id..
hi Ashish
This is a awesome project me doing the same project as cource project.
hey it would pretty good if you share the .exe of the code for the parallel port.
Plz mail it on
Hello!Your project is realy great so I did everything what you said on video the only problem is the control program. Please contact me on Thanks in advance.
88hello ashish , i my doing a project in my college and want to make one of those cars , can u help me with the details of the project . like the circuit design and the programing functions used please.
my id is :
hi ashish
i am also working on same project
can you mail me programming part and how?
thank you
i am trying the same project but i cant move the car in real time can u help me.i am using C program to make it real.please help me,replay me soon,Thank you
Hello again. The program work great. A i was wonder if you could write me the code for diferent program like this:
number 1=D1
right arrow=D2
left arrow=D3
please contact me on
i want the connection details for this projects ad also the software
hi ashish this is atul.i have some doubts regarding the pcb connections...can i mail you the snaps so that you can take a look and help me proceed with the connections.kindly give me your email id.
can you send me the code.. please.. my email ad is
Hii Ashish,
Am trying 2 do this pro my own
few basic queries..
How to do C programming 3 this(even, is it compulsory)
very good project!! can I have the program or the source code? can you send me at
hi... very incredible project... can you send me a detailed diagram of the card that connects to the PC?
hi... very incredible project... can you send me a detailed diagram of the card that connects to the PC? at
hi Ashish,
Thanks for posting your project, it is very helpful in understanding the basics of controlling stuff via the PC.
Can you please forward the source code, or simple instructions that we can use to make the hardware work? pls email me on:
Appreciate your help buddy.
please mail me the code.
i have the made exact replica of the model, but the car seems to be getting all 4 commands i.e left right forward back at the same time from the computer, without me doing anything!
my email is :
i watched your project on rc car controlled by computer...
its awesome.
I am a student and my college give me same project as you. but i have no idea about it. o please help me.
please send me details about how to make ckt of the controller.
if possible send me the sequence of steps to connect parrel port to cars micro-controller...
i would highly thankful to you.
my e.mail id is
hello can you please give me a method to control this car through usb interface board as my computer is not having parallel port.
Hey Ashish,
I would really appreciate help in programming. I have to use Python to program for my school project. can you give me some ideas on how to program or send me a code to start with? I really need your help. Thank you sooo much!! :D
You can contact me here:
Ashish u r great can u send the program to my gmail id that is
Mr.Ashish ur project is really good
and i dunno how to get the software for this remote controller. guide me by which website i get that software.ur suggestion to my mail
hey ashish,,,,hope u,ll b f9....sir plz send me assemlby langauge code for controlling rc toy car via ports,,,email id is the following...
Excellent Friend,
Though I study in class9 but still i love these projects and I Have tried to make a wireless camera by using a cell phone and and I was successful as i used WiFi which was present in both my cell phone and Laptop so by just a simple software which my brother's friend made and he is a software engineer I could actually see my car but the resolution and the quality of the footage was really bad and I therefore want to improve and please If i could receive any help from you I would be really great full to you...
Hi Ashish,
Wonderful experiment. Your demo is excellent. I bookmarked it for future reference.
Hi..Ashish. I want to do try your project too. Can you give me code using Visual Studio 2008. Thank You.
You can send it in my email address
Hi again Ashish. I forgot to include the software that you use in this project. Can you give it to me. Thanks. Please send it to my email adress.
hi i want to do this project please send me your Assembly Language code
i am doing the same project. this is working very gud...
can u plz provide us the coding for this project in c as soon as it is possible.
iam not getting the coding
plz give me the code for this project
my mail id is:
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